
6 Animals That Don’t Drink Water

6 Animals That Don't Drink Water



6 Animals That Don't Drink Water


Some animals evolved to survive in harsh and dry environments that don’t require them to consume much water. Here are 6 animals that can survive without water:





Camels are known to survive in dry climates like deserts. They store water in their humps and can go for long periods without water.


Desert Iguana


Desert Iguana

Desert iguanas get their water requirements from the vegetation they consume. Their skin can also absorb moisture from the air.


Australian Water-Holding Frog


Australian Water-Holding Frog

These frogs can store water in their body. They can survive hot and arid conditions by using up the stored water when necessary.


Desert Tortoise


Desert Tortoise

Desert tortoises do not need to find water as their needs are fulfilled by the plants they consume. They also get water from rain or morning dew.


Sidewinder Snake


Sidewinder Snake

This snake gets its water content from the lizards and rodents it consumes. It can also sip water from rain or dew.


Fennec Fox


Fennec Fox

These foxes live in the Sahara Desert and obtain water from their diet, which includes vegetation and insects. They can also limit their sweating to prevent water loss.

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